Thursday, January 20, 2011


it's been a while since i updated my blog..
so there's preety much loads of things to talk abt.

'firstly, i learned not to trust anyone.
secondly, i found out that u can treat someone like a sister for a minute and hate her the next.
thirdly, i understand that i haf nothing to lose without her. =)'

This conflict we had is a lil complicated so i'm not gonna let everything out here.
Lets just say...I have sth against this gurl
nobody reallie likes her its not a big deal.
They just dont wanna offend her so they pretended to be supportive and stuff. But unfortunately, this gurl would never find that out.
she's just too blind to her surroundings
Her remarks abt my looks and the way I mingle around is unnecessary. (jealous much huh?)
Cos everyone knows her attitude. 
She just wants attention. cute..
anyways..these are the remarks i got from others:

1) Her handphone ringtone and message tone is hillarious. and its not even a compliment.
2) She just loveee to act all cute and cuddly. eww. disgusting much.
3) She looks like a maid.
4) Childish
5) She get all 'gatal-ish' when there's guys around.

There's more to it obviously but I'm just lazyy to take note.
U'll just have to see for urself.